
All our shipping packaging bags are manufactured from recycled plastic.

Below are some questions and answers about why we believe that polythene today is the best environmental option for use in the production of packaging.

For environmental reasons, are paper bags better than polythene bags?

No, 300% more energy is used in the production of a paper bag with the same strength and size as a polythene bag. This causes 70% more harmful emissions to the atmosphere than in the production of a polyethylene bag.

In the decomposition process, a paper bag releases methane that is 23 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.

A paper bag can not be reused similarly as a polythene bag, as it is not as strong, and it is destroyed when it gets wet.

In volume, a paper bag takes seven times as much space as a polyethylene bag of the same strength, which results in corresponding greenhouse gas emissions when transported.

Why not use corn or other bio-bags instead of polythene recycled plastic bags? 

Using maize / bio-based products for making packaging and fuel we already see serious side effects of. This has meant that large agricultural areas are no longer used to grow basic goods for the growing population of the world, but to cultivate products used as an "environmental option" for the Western world population so that they can maintain their high consumption with less environmental consequences. This reorganization of food production has meant that prices for the "missing" basic products have been pushed up to a level that the poor population can not afford. This means that a larger part of the world's poor population today is actually starving because we here in the west must be more environmentally conscious. 

Many countries / states have subsidized farmers to make them transition to this type of production and this has meant that areas of rainforest have been cut down to create new cultivation areas. 

There is also a question of the environmental impact of bags made of organic material. When a maize / bio bag is broken down, methane releases as per AEAT's report on global warming is 23 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide. 

One can also mention that most of the maize / wheat production takes place outside of Europe, which results in emissions from transport from one continent to another.

We love our world, and we hope to keep it for a long time. We use a lot of our time to keep on growing in a safe way and re-use as much as we can.